Friday, January 30, 2009

Some Views on the President

Probably anyone who knows me recognizes that I am Republican. I have pretty conservative values. I did not vote for President Obama, but he is my President and because of that I pray for him and try to support him

I do not agree with Mr. Obabma on many things. I do not agree with him on abortion and the funding of programs that support abortion. I have been concerned some in his family being Islamic, and even the fact that he was exposed to the teachings as a child.

But I do have one thing to compliment him on.

For so long now many Americans with at least a HS education and some common sense have seen that many things in our nation have gone desperately wrong. Our morals, our compassion, our greed, to name a few. We saw it, but no one really said anything. It was like the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes."

In this children's story a couple of con artists convince the emperor, which is like a king or president, that they are amazing tailors, which are people who make clothes. They pretend to measure the emperor, and they, the con men, spend days pretending to sew these fabulous clothes. The emperor is called for and the false tailors pretend to array him with the new duds. The emperor looks at himself in the mirror and sees that he is naked, but he is so vain that he won't admit it. He convinces himself that something is there that is not. He has proclaimed a parade in the kingdom so he can go in front of the people and they can be awed by his majesty in the new, fancy clothes. No one who works for him will tell him he is naked, even though every one can see it. His servants are so concerned with having the favor of the emperor they become a part of the charade. The emperor goes out before the people and begins his glorious march. Women cover thier eyes and men begin to snicker, but no one says a word. It is more important to let the foolish behavior continue than to speak the truth.

Finally, the emperor walks in front of a group of children. A young boy who has not learned to mind his manners cries out, "Why, the Emperor has on no clothes! He is naked!"

At last the truth has been told. What every saw was proclaimed.

What we have seen for years, what we have pretended was the norm, what we have been afraid to voice is finally being said. Our President is not only wondering what is going on, he is asking what is going on. Confronting special interest groups and lobbyinst, calling corporate giants on thier ridiculous spending and evening asking about snow days that force schools to close. The questions may not be politcally correct and they may not be framed in the correct context, but at least something is happening.

I will never change my mind about being pro life and Mr. Obama may not ever change his mind about being pro choice. I pray for him reguarding this. He has children and surely sees the vallue in every human life.

But I do support him in his attempt to expose some of the corruption that has gone on for decades. I do support him in his belief that people helping people is going to change this nation. I do support him in his effort to engage everyone in the strengthening of the United States of America.

God bless our President. Lord, help him to be the man you called him to be. Give him the mind of Christ. Give him the heart of a warrior. Give him the wisdom of Solomen. Give him the compassion of a father for his children.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Mouse in the Mailbox

My family lives in a rural area in Oklahoma. In fact, our house in in the middle of what was once my grandpa's hayfield. When you live in the country you have to realize that there are going to be "critters." By this, I mean opossums, skunks and the like. I have learned to co-exist for the most part, but there are some exceptions.
A few weeks ago I pulled up to our mailbox, which by the way we had just replaced because another truth of rural life is mailbox bashing (teenagers drive by with a baseball bat and hit your mailbox), and inside there were lots of bits of dried leaves and grass. The wind is always blowing, so I did not think much of it. The next day there was even more, and when I reached in to grab my mail, something moved. They probably heard my scream all the way to town. I DO NOT LIKE MICE!!!! And there was one living in my mailbox.
When my husband arrived I told him the whole sordid tale, not leaving out any details. He promptly went out and cleared out the mailbox. What a man!
A couple of days went by and what do you think? There were leaves and grass showing up again. I opened the cover, timidly reached for the mail and honked my horn. I guess I thought I could scare him. But no, that mouse rushed to the back of the mailbox, turned around and looked at me! He was not a bit afraid. He had set up house, once again, and even enjoyed gnawing on a letter I had received.
I mentioned my ordeal to my dad, who is 68, and he came by, cleaned out the box and brought me my mail. Finally, The mouse would know not to mess with me any more. Mice haven't survived by giving in easily. Several days went by, and the squatter was back. I decided if any creature worked that hard, he deserved to stay as long as he liked. Better my mailbox than my breadbox!
Being persistent is a quality God encourages. "...keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find..." The mouse in the mailbox rebuilt his nest time and again. How often do we give up before we really even try?
Lord, help us be persistent. When it seems impossible, help us remember that "all things are possible to him who believes."

Friday, January 2, 2009

Jumping In With Both Feet

Sunning by the pool on our recent family vacation to Gulf Shores, AL, I began wathching a family playing together. The dad was in the pool with water about to his shoulders. He had a group of three or four youngsters lined up on the side of the pool. One by one they would step to the edge of the pool and jump off to the waiting dad. Each child would squeal with delight, be lifted from the water, then positioned near the edge where he or she could climb out and promptly get in line to do it again. While sitting there enjoying the antics, I noticed another adult approach the dad and they began talking. This did not in any way deter the children. Several turns of jumping and being caught by dad had given them confidence. A toddler jumps, dad catches. This was the way of things. So, even though dad was distracted for the moment, the next little one in line leaped from the edge. Before I could make a move toward the water, the splash got dad's attention. He scooped the boy out of the water, no harm done and sent him on his way. No fear was ever shown by the child, and the dad knew he could confidently handle the situation. What a perfect picture of trust between a child and his father.
What a perfect example of trust between us and our Heavenly Father. Proverbs 3:5 reminds us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart. Life is a big pool, with a deep end. Trust is not sitting on a deck chair, hiding under an umbrella, afraid of getting wet. Jesus has waded out and is beckoning us to jump in! We might make a splash, the water might be a little cold, but what a thrill! Is Christ distracted? Never! Is He ready to catch you? You bet! Do you have to faith to step up to the edge and jump? Only you can answer that for yourself. John 10:10 says Jesus came to give you an abundant life. Better that anything we can imagine.
The Lifeguard is on duty. Trust Him. Leap in with both feet!!